2016 – Travels and Life in Review

Happy New Years! I couldn’t be more excited for the year to come, but 2016 was so AMAZING that it deserves some review. Last year was one for the books: an emotional, spiritual and adventurous rollercoaster that has forever changed my life.
At some point about 2 years ago, a light bulb in my soul lit up. I had to make a change. I had to make myself happy again. I had been stuck in a stressful rut and was unhappy with my day to day life.
For a long, long time I had wanted to travel and see the world.
But in order to be “successful”, I couldn’t leave a job. I would never achieve “success” in that way. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Once this light bulb in me came on, I went into super save mode. I did not spend any unnecessary money, though I still afforded myself the random glass of wine, good nutritious food, and time out with my friends. These were things that made me happy, and I was not willing to give those up in order to save just a slight bit faster. I moved in with my boyfriend which also cut my bills and allowed my savings to grow.
After about a year I was ready monetarily and emotionally. I told my job that December 31 would be my last day. And boy did that day come fast.
I started the year with a ticket to Mexico, no job, and a dream to fulfill. Unbeknownst to me, 2016 would be the most amazing year of my life.
While I may not have worked my way up a corporate ladder as I used to, I did get to do the following Travel and Adventures:
- Backpack in 4 countries: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Costa Rica
- First time with long-term backpacking with no plans and just a $30/day budget.
- Stretched my comfort zone every day
- Spoke lots and lots of Spanish
- Spent more time on beaches than I would like to admit
- Yoga, yoga and more yoga whenever and wherever I wanted
- ATE more delicious ethnic food than I have the rest of my life
- Snorkeled in the Caribbean ( many times)
- Met and snuggled with so many stray dogs along the way
- Drank some AMAZING mescal
- Went to the BPM Festival
- Went to Laguna Bacalar ( SO BEAUTIFUL)
- Did marketing work internationally
- Went to many cenotes and swam in them
- Got my PADI Scuba diving certification
- Ate seafood fresh from the ocean
- Went to a Garifuna Wake ( which was more like a celebration with drums, dancing, and food)
- Also, pretty sure I ate pigtail soup at this wake
- Went to a cave in Belize with multiple full body skeletons from Mayan sacrifices
- Explored Tikal and other archaeological sites
- Saw beautiful Spanish cathedrals
- Saw multiple live volcanos
- Ate the freshest pineapples, coconuts, mangoes, bananas and more
- Went to tiny villages where Mayan was the spoken language
- Road a chicken bus in Guatemala
- Went to Chiapas right before the pope came
- Went to Aqua Azul with a police escort
- Traveled to almost all corners of Costa Rica
- Whitewater rafted on the Sarapiqui and Bolsa
- Milked my first cow
- Took my first Tuk-Tuk ride
- Climbed Cero Chato
- Jumped off my first rope swing
- Learned how to surf
- Walked to the whales tail at low tide
- Touched a sloth and saw a lot of new wildlife
- Walked to an island at low tide
- Took a ferry for the first time
- Stayed in communities only reached by boat
- Took my first public “boat” transportation- and the boat ran out of gas and broke on that ride
- Crossed more borders by land than I ever had
- Became a White Water Rafting Guide
- Did a 7 day River Trip in Cataract Canyon
- Road tripped around Colorado
- Went to the sand dunes
- Camped in many national forests
- Took a road trip from Colorado to the Grand Canyon ( 2.5 months)
- Went to 7 new states on the west coast
- Did my first snowy full day hike with bean(my chihuahua)
- Went to a quite a few National Parks on my bucket list
- Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain, Olympic, Death Valley and Yosemite National Park
- Saw the Grand Canyon via a 20-day white water rafting trip!
- Side hikes, waterfalls, beaches and BIG WATER
- Lived out of a van for 6-7 months
- Camped in hundreds of places around the country!
- Went to Vegas for my first time
- Met so many wonderful people from all around the country and world :)
So much more happened, but this list is getting too long ;). The truth of the matter is that this year was the FIRST year of my adult life that I truly just LIVED! My soul feels refreshed, happy and ready to conquer the world.
2016 – Forever I will be blessed and grateful for the amazing opportunities and experiences! So much growth has happened in this one year than I could ever begin to explain.
2017 – I am rejuvenated and refreshed for whatever you have planned for me! Being happy and truly living is what I now define “success” as. I am so excited to work my butt off this year to create a “successful” forever and to continue my journey to new countries far, far away!