Hello there, my name is Kahla. I am a yoga teacher, health nut, traveler, newbie photographer, personal growth seeker, hippie dancer and digital marketer.
Have you ever been unhappy in your job, life, or body? Are you ready to live a healthy life of dream catching? If so, I know the feeling and you are in the right place!
I define being happy by truly “living” the life your soul desires! I share my journey of yoga + travel + life solely to inspire your journey and help you be successful. So thanks for coming along for the ride! It can be smooth, bumpy and everything in between, but if you commit – the life of your dreams can be yours!
Here is my brief story is broken up into my separate catalysts and journeys: Travel/Lifestyle and Yoga/Nutrition

Travel and Lifestyle:
I grew up wanting a career, house, kids. I would live near my family and that would be the story of my life.
Soon after I started cutting my daily expenditures and started living CHEAP. I moved in with my partner to save on rent, stopped eating out, and stopped buying material items on a whim that I didn’t need.
After approximately a year, I had saved nearly half of my salary. I left my Job, and started traveling and fulfilling lifelong dreams since. I have visited 11 new countries since and had so many experiences that I had only dreamed of.
Now I am focused on finding the middle ground between travel, work, and fulfilling my soul by helping others fulfill theirs!

Yoga & Nutrition:
I grew up dancing and playing soccer and staying extremely active. In Junior high, the pressure finally hit and I had my first encounter with an eating disorder. This lasted for a few years and continues to be something I must work with day to day mentally.
Soon after it started, I become enthralled with working out and eating nutritionally. Yes, I pushed it to an unhealthy level, but I still learned a lot and built an incredibly strong foundation of information and experience for myself. At some point while doing p90X I finally put in the disc, YOGA X. Funny that this is where my journey started…from such a physical place.
Either way, I started doing yoga more than other workouts and found my body reacted best to it. Then, go figure, I started feeling better mentally as well. I researched online and began self-practice.
Fast forward about 4 years of self-search and you arrive at the “NOW”. In January, I received my 200 RYT training in Thailand. I have a healthy lifestyle and love eating colorful, nourishing food. I am continually expanding my practice and falling in love with meditation, pranayama, philosophy and just living a “yogic” life. While I no longer struggle with eating disorders, yoga has played a huge part in my mental recovery and my overall happiness.
Does Self Love, Confidence, Vulnerability, Strength, JOY, Growth and Clarity sound good to you? If so, yoga is a magical path that I would love to share!
This blog is about loving the journey of life, EVERY SINGLE FACET OF IT.
Quotes to live by:
“Live the full life of the mind, exhilarated by new ideas, intoxicated by the Romance of the unusual.” Ernest Hemingway
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Lao Tzu
“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” Cynthia Occeli
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” Dalai Lama XIV
Contact me: Kahla@LoveoftheJourney.com