Fear and Commitment
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” Mario Andretti

Commitment – The Struggle is Real
So let’s get real. I started this blog over 2 years ago after leaving my job to travel the world. I figured that I would just magically put together posts of all the beautiful places and cool adventures that I saw and did. As you can see by the lack of posts on here, it didn’t exactly happen that way.
Instead, I would brainstorm about how to put my experience out there, trying to be perfect, to the point where it no longer seemed fun. Or I would begin to sift through THOUSANDS of pictures and then again, get overwhelmed and stop. Or I would Pinterest until my eyes turned red, trying to get ideas for how to display the content and then have to catch a bus and not come back to it for a few weeks. It just kept happening like this over and over. Great ideas and plans, but a huge lack of commitment.
I find myself very frustrated at times. Lately, I have been focusing lots of energy, yoga practice, and meditation on why I have such a hard time committing. I kept coming back to one “feeling”, one overarching thought.
You know what it is? FEAR. Silly and totally consuming fear.